
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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Most people who have any familiarity with ancient Egypt will immediately recognize the form of Lotus and Papyrus style columns, but actually not less than about 30 different column forms have been isolated from temples of the various periods Most of the time, the column shafts were copied in stone of supports made from plants, resembling either a trunk or a bundle of stems of smaller diameterThis DWG file contains Ancient Greek columns with dimensions in elevation view This CAD file is saved in AutoCAD 00Egyptian Lotus Column 3D Printed Historically Accurate Replica 3DEFG From shop 3DEFG 5 out of 5 stars (275) 275 reviews Sale Price $562 $ 562 $ 750 Original Price $750 (25% off) FREE shipping Favorite Add to Concrete Column Candle Holders, Asssorted Colours Q Tbn And9gctlixp2nc6u Rqzcwl Lgcxygczqtviej 3pucvch X1spt Ijc Usqp Cau Egyptian lotus columns

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